A Question of Faith tagged posts

Phoenix Prime Feature Friday – Prime Fiction

From moonshine runs to thought-provoking experiences, this anthology from the Phoenix Prime writer group will entertain you. The intriguing perspectives and sometimes hilarious situations in these stories showcase the quality storytelling that enables the reader to experience the story that they are reading.

Come join us for the fun!

Free with KU!

This collection contains Crystal’s Conviction, a look at Crystal and her faith before the events in A Question of Faith.

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Welcome to the Young Adult Summer Scavenger Hunt!

The Alliance of Young Adult Authors is sponsoring a massive young adult scavenger hunt. This is a chance to meet some new authors, grab a bunch of free books, and sign up to win a whole bunch of epic prizes! In addition to the $500 grand prize, each of the authors will be offering free books and other prizes.

My secret word is posted down below. First, I want to give you the chance to get some of my stories for free! Just click on the covers to be able to download your free copies!

BlackHelleboreCoverArt                      Aquestionoffaith

As an added bonus, leave a comment with your favorite Grimm fairy tale to be entered to win an ebook of Of Cinder and Madness!


All right. Here’s my word for the scavenger hunt: AND

Once you have all of the scavenger hunt wo...

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