Of Cinder and Madness tagged posts

Throwback Thursday Excerpt Edition – Of Cinder and Madness

A little snippet from Of Cinder and Madness:


Shoving aside my doubt, cloaking myself in my fear, I remove the key from my pocket.

At once, her eyes flash with understanding, a flicker of an emotion, fear of her own or maybe acceptance. Then her birds swoop toward me as one massive swarm. I barely have time to close the door and lock it before they slam against it. Thud, thud, thud.

A minute passes and then another, and I lean against the heavy locked door with my eyes closed. It’s done. She’s barred. She’s too far up. Her birds never leave her side for long, and only one at a time at that. We’ll be fine now. We’ll be safe.

I hope.

I pray.

I fear.

Read the story here!

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Welcome to the Young Adult Summer Scavenger Hunt!

The Alliance of Young Adult Authors is sponsoring a massive young adult scavenger hunt. This is a chance to meet some new authors, grab a bunch of free books, and sign up to win a whole bunch of epic prizes! In addition to the $500 grand prize, each of the authors will be offering free books and other prizes.

My secret word is posted down below. First, I want to give you the chance to get some of my stories for free! Just click on the covers to be able to download your free copies!

BlackHelleboreCoverArt                      Aquestionoffaith

As an added bonus, leave a comment with your favorite Grimm fairy tale to be entered to win an ebook of Of Cinder and Madness!


All right. Here’s my word for the scavenger hunt: AND

Once you have all of the scavenger hunt wo...

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